Who we serve

Have you been in situations like these?

You're a seller and:
1. You are new to selling a home and don't have much selling experience. Perhaps you're a homeowner who recently bought your first home. You have buying experience but you really have no idea where to start with how to sell a home.

2. You have tried a lot of things to sell your home yourself without much success. You've tried many methods but nothing is working very well. Buyers are not yet flocking to your door and you wonder if you just need to be patient or are you doing everything wrong?

3. You have a love-hate relationship with your real estate agent. You chose to list your home with a real estate agent for two reasons; you don't have the time or the expertise to sell your home yourself. So, after some consideration, you listed with the agent who you believed gave you the best chance of selling your home. But after only a few weeks you rarely hear from your agent unless you pick up the phone and make the call. Worse, when you do talk it seems all you hear is cut your price and few if any ideas on how to get things moving in the right direction. All you really want is to be kept in the loop and you are not sure that everything possible to get your home sold is being done. 

4. You have tried previously to sell your home and failed. This is very common in today's market. Everyone has high hopes the first time they offer their home for sale. Weeks or months later with nothing to show for your time and effort you are faced with the prospect of trying to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it or simply give up on your dream of moving where you'd rather be.

You're a buyer and:
1. You are new to buying a home and don't have much buying experience. Perhaps you've never bought a home before or recently bought your first home but you really have no idea where to start with what to do and who to call to help you find, finance, and handle the paperwork required to buy a home.

2. You are NOT 100% certain that you had access to the information you needed to make the very best decisions about your house, investing and improving your lifestyle. You bought your home but were always uneasy about if you paid too much or could have gotten a better deal from the seller.

Achieve absolute success:
My clients and customers typically share many of the following characteristics.
If these fit you as well, you are likely someone I can help buy or sell a home in less time and make or save more money.
Committed to the end goal - You have a true desire or need to buy or sell a home that is more important than any inconveniences you may suffer to get the desired result. You do not put up barriers or obstacles that sabotage the process.
Willingness to communicate openly honestly and regularly - You understand and appreciate the role that good communication plays in a successful business relationship and you value the opportunity to share ideas and discuss matters when called to do so.

Willingness to make decisions based on fact not emotion - You are willing to listen to the market and make decisions based upon what the market is telling you not based on what you think.

Realize you cant know everything - But you are willing to get assistance and expand your knowledge and expertise by letting the real estate agent guide you through the buying and selling process.
Committed to mutually supportive relationships - In business and life you realize that you can't make it alone.